Downsizing, moving or dealing with the belongings of a loved one can be an overwhelming and emotional task. With so many decisions to be made all at once it's easy to see how you can become stressed. We want to help by bringing organization, compassion and resources to your project.
Why Organize When Life Itself Feels So...Unorganized?
We are here to complete the project with you, when life is feeling unorganized it's good to seek out the help of a professional. When downsizing our process is to help you make decisions on how you would like to set up the next home for your needs and wants. Maybe you like the sea and so you would like to bring all the items that remind you of the beach or maybe you are thinking that a mobile home is best for all the travelling you want to do so all pieces of furniture need to find a new home. We also bring the compassion aspect as we understand what it is like to say goodbye to some of the physical items when someone passes. We would love to help you find new homes for your items, get them moved on as well to have a new life.
Change of Any Kind Often Requires Some Reorganization
Changes to our environment are never easy, it can be scary even. To move items from where they have lived for multiple years can upset our everyday living. However it too can be freeing to let go of the multitude of pens, scissors or paperwork collected over the years. It can be less overwhelming to start to declutter early when planning a move. It may seem like a huge shift but really it's the first step in letting go and moving forward. When clearing estates often clients feel the burden of not knowing what to keep and what the person may have wanted them to keep, having a professional there gives a different perspective and different outlook on a difficult situation.
When You're Feeling Unsure, Start with Systems You Know
When considering downsizing a family home, or a home that belonged to a family member we often help clients start with our declutter process. When looking at a whole house full of goods, it's easy to fall into the jumping from one area to another, becoming overwhelmed and stressed. Our systems help to curb the overwhelm and are simple enough to follow throughout all different areas to be assessed. Creating space within the home to create a whole room of donations or to sell items, creating a pile of personals and ask the family in another space, often help to eliminate the jumping from spot to spot and creating a mess. (Pro tip always check with your family and if they would like an item set a pick up time prior to staging or selling)
Release Yourself from Expectations; Be Okay with What You Are Doing
There are all too many times that we see clients in a stressful situation, blaming themselves for not having done enough, not getting this tidied up sooner, not starting earlier. Even clients in their own homes asking “why did I let it get this way?” Our answer is always “It’s ok”, “it happens” and “you are starting now.” It's time in our eyes to release yourself from yours or anyone else's expectations about how, why, or when this should all be done. The truth is there is never a perfect time nor is there a perfect way to do it, we can all just try and do our best.
Sorting, Purging, and Culling the Clutter Can Be Self-Care
This is not the time to judge yourself or be judged. It is great to start the downsizing and decluttering process early but if you haven't thats ok too. You are starting now and thats all that matters. Asking for assistance to get the donations out, or pack some keep items isn’t about you not being able to do it it's about taking control of the situation so you can make the more important decisions.
If you or someone you know has any questions about downsizing decluttering or is going through a major life event let them know they don’t need to sit in the clutter, overwhelm and stress alone. We are here to help. Call or email us today to set up an in home consultation so we can explain using your own items, how we can help you.
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