Love it? or Pass is? A Start to Decluttering

Feeling Overwhelmed by Clutter? Here's What You Can Do

Are you unsure of how to begin decluttering your space? Do you often feel like shutting the door when you see a room full of stuff? You're not alone. It's a common feeling. While you may find countless checklists and how-to guides online, it's easy to fall into a pattern of procrastination. Don't let research become a substitute for actual decluttering.

Decluttering Made Easy: Some KALM Tips for a Tidier Home

Decluttering is easier said than done, but it's definitely achievable with a little bit of guidance. Follow these simple steps to get started, and if you need further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out.

  • Break the room down into smaller sections. Instead of looking at the entire space, take it section by section, working from left to right. This way, you can see your progress and feel motivated to keep going.

  • Don't just move items from one spot to another. Instead, label containers for donate, sell, or trash, and put the items in the appropriate bin. This way, you won't waste time moving things around, and you'll be able to make decisions more easily.

  • Ask yourself some tough questions when deciding whether to keep something. Do you love it? Do you use it? Would you buy it again right now? And perhaps most importantly, are you keeping it for sentimental or guilt reasons? Be honest with yourself, and you'll be able to declutter more effectively.

Preventing Clutter Buildup: A Key Aspect of Decluttering

One of the most crucial parts of decluttering is to avoid bringing new items into your home. Whether someone offers you clothes or toys, or you're out shopping for new things, it's important to ask yourself some tough questions and find solutions. Here are a few examples:

  • Consider the amount of the item that you already have (e.g. clothing)

  • Ask yourself if you're buying it because of the deal or if you'll actually use it

  • Determine where it will be stored – if there's a place for it, great, if not it may not have a home in your space

We recognize how challenging some of the questions can be, and we empathize with the stress that comes with the process. Our team is always here to help, and we can guide you through the process to make it less daunting. With practice, you'll find that this skill becomes more manageable and you will be able to tackle more spaces.

Want to start on a decluttering journey?

Give us a call, We can help with that.

Chat Soon. xx Kim


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